Monday, December 2, 2013

NPC: Our Role as Bridge Builders

"I like to see myself as a bridge builder, that is me building bridges between people, between races, between cultures, between politics, trying to find common ground."-Thomas Dexter "T.D." Jakes  

NPC is committed to collaboration with our interfraternal partners to find common ground. This comes in the form of various initiatives -- Hill visits, interfraternal breakfasts, leadership summits, roundtable discussions and special campus meetings. The NPC Fraternity/Sorority Advisor Advisory Committee serves the NPC Executive Committee as a sounding board. These campus professionals provide candid feedback on trends, policies and programs. We understand that recognizing our shared commitment will bring desirable outcomes for the greater welfare of all. We are bridge builders; our collaborative efforts today will benefit those who follow us tomorrow and the next generation.

This month, NPC delegation members will join hundreds of campus professionals and fraternity and sorority headquarters staff in Orlando for the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA) annual meeting. This conference allows us to meet with our colleagues and address common concerns and challenges. We all want to empower our members to make good decisions, access resources and implement best practices to enhance operations. Our members must be knowledgeable about many facets of sorority life. This requires mentors and guides from several sources to guide them and help them find their way - to ignite their passions.  

One such mentor and guide is Dave Conner, who was recognized at the 2013 NPC annual meeting with the Outstanding Panhellenic Advisor Award sponsored by Alpha Chi Omega. Dave works as the assistant director for fraternity and sorority life at The College of New Jersey. Wrote one nominator: "Dave makes himself available in every capacity and consistently follows up with his students to ensure they are set up for success in all endeavors. He encourages positive change through his relationships with chapters and leaders."  

The issue of passion has been mentioned as the most important factor when it comes to succeeding in the work world. Although we have different aptitudes and unique passions, the challenge is to find them because it is the fusion of both that we live our best lives, according to Sir Ken Robinson. To release a passion, a student may need a role model. Mentors can make a difference by letting students know they expect them to accomplish great things. The women in NPC do this.  

This concept of fusing aptitudes and passions can be applied to what we hold dear in our fraternal organizations. For when we leverage our positions as role models and mentors, we can positively influence lives and encourage the passions in our members to lead, to serve and to give.  

We share this common goal with our fraternal colleagues. It calls for collaboration beyond badges with the focus on developing strong leaders who will lift the entire campus community. Our ultimate outcome is to continue to have members in our own organizations who will contribute to the whole for the greater fraternal good. This will perpetuate the personal development and sisterhood for others to enjoy for years to come. 

The popular poem by Will Allen Dromgoole called "The Bridge Builder" speaks to the idea of building links to the future and passing the torch to the younger travelers, hence the next generation. Our work as a collective group of dedicated campus professionals, volunteer professionals and headquarters staff continues as we build bridges so others can follow behind us. We will find common ground as we advance together the fraternal experience.

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